We Belong Dead: The Romero Legacy


As you well know by this point, one of the absolute giants of the genre passed recently.  Admittedly, we’ve been putting this episode off for a bit because we weren’t sure how to approach it.  Would we do a filmography review? Give a bunch of cool trivia and behind the scenes tidbits?  Or would it be a depressing weepfest about the hero we lost and what he meant to us?  Okay, maybe its a bit of all of the above.  But hopefully you enjoy it and maybe it even puts a smile on your face as we pay tribute to the absolute legend that is George A. Romero.

Listed below are some recommended docs if you want to learn more about the man, his work, and his legacy:

One for the Fire: The Legacy of Night of the Living Dead                                                              Document of the Dead                                                                                                                          Birth of the Living Dead                                                                                                                       World’s End: The Legacy of Day of the Dead                                                                                     Just Desserts: The Making of Creepshow


We Belong Dead – Roky Erickson LIVE Special


Hoooboy!  What a night!  We were beyond blown away by the performances we experienced the other night.  Neither Lono or I thought we’d ever have the pleasure of seeing this goddamn legend in person, and it certainly didn’t hurt that the opening act from the Death Valley Girls was a certified scorcher as well!  So join us as we go through the journey that was our weekend and enjoy the tunes!